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Men over 80 years old got a record 182,000 prescriptions for Viagra last year, The Mirror reports. 5,759 of these were for men over the age of 90, which just goes to show that it is possible to have a healthy sex life even into old age.

Overall, there were 4.29 million prescriptions for Viagra, with men in their 60s being the most common age group. Staying sexually active into old age can be good for both physical health and mental health.

Some commentators have argued that society is putting pressure on older people to stay sexually active. Sociology professor Frank Furedi, of the University of Kent, says: “The figures show how elderly lotharios feel pressure to behave as if they are biologically very mature teenagers. Contemporary culture sends out the signal that sex is for life.”

He continued: “A lot of elderly men feel they must have a full-on sex life by any means necessary. They are fast becoming ‘generation Viagra’.”

However, many older people see remaining sexually active as a positive choice, and they are mature enough to resist any cultural pressure to behave in a certain way. Sex at an older age can be very liberating, as most people are less inclined to worry about having a perfect body by this time of life, and are comfortable in their own skin.

Older people often have more free time and fewer distractions than younger people, and often enjoy the chance to rekindle their sex lives. There are also no worries about unwanted pregnancies, which can make things more relaxed.

However, there are some changes to the body which may have an effect on the sexual performance of older people. Men may be taking medications which have an impact on their sexual function, such as antidepressants or blood pressure tablets.

Their testosterone levels will be lower than they were in mid-life, which may mean they feel in the mood for sex less often or find that it takes longer to get aroused. Energy levels and stamina may be lower, and sex may feel uncomfortable, especially if there is arthritis or other problems with the joints.

Of course, one of the main reasons older people stop having sex is simply that they are lonely after a bereavement or divorce, and are unsure how to start dating again. While they are reports of more older people using dating apps to meet up, these are not for everyone.

However, there are plenty of opportunities for single senior people to socialise, whether through voluntary work, clubs, hobbies, or interests. It is really important to consider the romantic as well as sexual aspects of a relationship to build up intimacy and desire. Discovering new experiences together can even boost the libido.

Finally, it is important to follow the rules for good health which are important at any age, such as eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, taking regular exercise, and avoiding smoking or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

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